Wednesday, August 27, 2008

D.Y.I Spa

Among other treatments - our spa offers services that involve sea salt and sea salt products. Our customer’s most favorite product is sea salt exfoliation performed with sea salt butter. This product leaves your skin so smooth, regenerated and soft that it is hard to describe. However that is not the favorite part of the treatment. Our guests will want to take a sample of this product not only for its health benefits, but also for the smell! All employees love when the door to our hydrotherapy room opens after one of the exfoliation treatments. The whole spa is fulfilled with sea salt butter aroma. You should come and try it. We also use sea salt mixed with organic oils for regular exfoliations, foot soaks, and pedicure services. As we all know, sea salt has many microelements and it is very beneficial for our health. Sea salt helps reducing acne, eliminate toxins, and helps to dry oily skin. Here are some examples of treatments for your home spa:

Two teaspoons of sea salt (not regular salt, which will hold water in your body); dissolve salt in a small amount of water – to get consistency of cream/mask. Put the mask on your face and set for 20 minutes. You may feel a little tingling sensation - that means the mask is working. Rinse with warm water. Your skin will be smooth and soft. You should test your skin’s reaction to the mask on a little area of your skin before, just in case your skin does not tolerate sea salt. You could mix that sea salt with olive oil or any other oil to get body scrub – for you feet, hand or the whole body.

Another tip: Warm compress with sea salt will help reduce breast pain for breastfeeding mothers.

More tips and sea salt benefits next week!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Think Before You Think

I believe that we all (including me) are individually responsible for everything that happens in our life – both good and bad.

Our thoughts create our future. Have you heard it before? I truly believe it. Each of us create our own experiences through thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and spoken words create our destiny. Often times our own thoughts create certain situations, then we deny our power of creation blaming others for our frustration.

There is no person, place or thing that influences us, because only OUR mind is able to create our thoughts. We are able to create experiences, our reality, and everything that follows that. If we think of peace, harmony, and balance, we will find them in our life. If we think of all bad things that happen to us every day, (traffic, long lines at the store, somebody did not show up for their appointment, and so on...) then we put ourselves into a bad mood, we get frustrated more and more.

There is no end to those small unfortunate things around us. Believe me, I went through that so many times. Last week was an example of an avalanche of awful events. And you know what, I had that thought in my mind, that all those things will go away by Sunday. Guess what! They did. I knew that Monday would start a new cycle of my life and it started really well, with more peace and creativity. Also, I do not feel like the whole world just collapsed on my head any more, although I do not have less things and issues to solve today than last week. If you do not believe me, start analyzing your life; note your ”bad days” and ”good days”. They all depend on your thinking. We just have to realize that only one thing can change our life – it is our brain and mind. It is all in there – dreams, memories, feelings, and finally – THOUGHTS.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Count to 10! Feel Better Now?

How do we find harmony in our life while there is constant fear of illnesses touching our loved ones, friends or us? In addition, pollution, stress, a bad diet, and lack of exercise makes our system more vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.

Stress – does it sound familiar. Most of the times we stress ourselves over things that, by the end of the day, are not even important. For example, traffic – can you do anything about it? No. So stop yelling and beeping – the car in front of you is not going to move faster; stop and yield to others – it will only take a FEW seconds.

Many people find their harmony by using holistic therapies and treatments. The first step is to find peace with your inner self. By doing that, you will become more open for any spa service and you will enjoy it more. Just positive thinking, itself, can make your most stressful day easier to endure, or it can even turn it into one of your best days. I tried it, and it DOES WORK! You just have to take all your negativity and turn it positive. Here is my father’s way of dealing with stressful situations: If something bad happens to you, or you feel overwhelmed by anything, take a deep breath; look up (sky, ceiling - anything works!) count to 10 and by the end you will have totally a different perspective on your situation. It does not mean that the problem will go away – oh no, but you will find a solution quicker because your blood pressure will be lower than it was 10 seconds ago, and you will think clearer! Trust me, just try it few times, and you will see its effects. When I fight with my “significant other” and actually use this simple solution, by 10 I do not even want to respond to arguments any more because my perspective has changed.

Try this very simple stress reliever and it will be your first step to being patient, think clearer, and reduce the times that you find yourself helpless.

Good Luck!