Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday R&R

I cannot believe 2008 is almost over. I remember it like yesterday all the New Millennium threats and scares. It is so funny now J but what’s not funny at all is the fact that the same time next year, the first decade (!) of 21st century will be OVER…
It makes me realize even more how important it is to enjoy every minute of our life….
Holidays and the New Year are a good time to think about the past and future. I want you all to think about how much time you spend on treating yourself with things that you like the best – reading, hiking, hobby, gardening, or sleeping….anything you enjoy the most. You are probably like most of our society now and put your job, children, and community work first; and you are on the bottom of the list, aren’t you? This New Year’s Eve make a promise to yourself that you will spend more time with yourself. I promise you that you will get so much more energy to do all those wonderful things for your family, work, and community. Find that time, even before you go to sleep and think about all those wonderful things that you enjoy and promise yourself to do them in the nearest future - at the first opportunity. Put yourself on the top of the list. If you are not able to do the activities due to the weather or season, just make an appointment for a manicure, massage, or go to the movies or library. Just be with yourself for sometime.

In the meantime, though, Holidays with lots of food are coming. That may be dangerous for your body and soul. It is easy to get filled with fat, toxins and unnecessary calories, and your soul will feel guilty. In order to cover the guilt, you will promise to go on diet with the start of New Year. Then you will have to do something with the left-over’s, so you will eat them feeling guilty about not sticking to the diet and so on… Why don’t we all take some steps before the fact? Here are some great tips to feel healthy and not guilty:

- Always have a light snack a few hours before arriving at a party. If you turn up having starved yourself all day, you’re more likely to overindulge yourself when faced with a mountain of delicious food;
- Pile your plate high with traditional seasonal vegetables such as red cabbage, carrots, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. The more colors you have on your plate, the greater the variety of nutrients (remember the Éminence food palette!);
- Turkey is a great option. It is packed with protein, which helps fill you up, and provides many other nutrients including zinc, a mineral that keeps the immune system in tip-top shape. But best of all, turkey is lower in fat and calories than many other meats, especially if you go for the breast;
- Don’t smother the turkey with oil, butter, margarine or lard when you cook it;
- Often we arrive to a party thirsty and drink the first drink fast. Quench your thirst with a glass of water instead of a high calorie alcoholic or soft drink;
- Beware of all the extras such as cranberry sauce, bread pudding and white sauce;
- Position yourself far away from the food and drinks table so you are less likely to pick.

Have Peaceful and Relaxing Holidays!

Friday, December 5, 2008


“Just like a fine wine, we get better with age, but that doesn’t mean our skin needs to look older. There’s no need to mull it over – the DiVine Collection from Éminence Organic Skin Care is the toast of the town” (Éminence Organic Skin Care). We are so excited to launch our first collection from Éminence. It smells delicious; it feels so smooth on your skin. This exclusive collection is based on Tokay grapes that come from vineyards of the Tokai Region of Hungary and are full of antioxidants. They also reduce inflammation and slow the oxidation process that causes the skin to age prematurely.

When you come to Spa Shawnee you should start your day with a relaxing massage using our new Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil followed by a Mimosa Champagne Exfoliation of your entire body in our unique Hydrotherapy capsule. Wrap up your visit with a renewing facial. Éminence refining Tokay Ice Wine Masque is packed with chunks of Tokay grapes along with apples to hydrate and renew your skin.
This season’s collection leaves one reminiscent of gentle summer afternoons, while making you feel pampered by the champagne bubbles of New Year’s Eve. Just a perfect Holiday gift for every body!

Since we want everyone to share our excitement, we offer great deals this month. Come and enjoy DeVine Mini Facial (30 minutes), Manicure and Pedicure for only $89. Get yourself (or others) the gift of indulgence. See you then…