Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beautiful Summer Feet

Summer is here and we all want to step out in sandals, colorful “flip-flops” or just walk barefoot in our garden. As soon as warm weather knocks on my door I think to myself – “I need a pedicure!” But then I also think – “How do I care for my feet in summer besides the pedicure” – they get dry, and tired; dust, dirt grass get on my toe nails, and my heels get callused. Well, a pedicure is the first step to get your feet smooth and healthy. After that we all (men and women) should care for our feet at home. I found that applying a generous amount of cocoa butter (or cocoa butter cream) every night and a good scrubbing while showering helps a lot. It is easy and does not require spending extra time. The secret of cocoa butter treatments is to massage the lotion on your skin before you go to sleep and wear cotton socks overnight. In the morning your feet will feel soft and refreshed.

There are many different products available, but you can easily make your own mini-spa on your own. Back in my home country – Poland we made our own mixtures for all kinds of beauty treatments. For example, there are a variety of vegetable oil based mixtures for feet, hands or any area with dry, damaged skin. You do not need much – some oil (organic blend or just vegetable oil) and different ingredients – depending on your needs. Simply mix that oil with additives and massage it on your skin; let it absorb for a while and you can get back to your daily routines. Here are some examples:

Add honey - to nourish your skin with plethora of microelements found in this natural mixture. In addition, honey helps in the healing process of many skin cracks, cuts or scrapes. Its low water content does not allow for bacteria growth. You could also use pure honey as a mask for your feet or hands, but remember – do not walk around your garden with honey on your skin – you will attract bugs or maybe even a bear. :)

Lemon - will make your skin hydrated and soft; it will also disinfect your skin. Citric acid in lemons, if used long enough can also make any blemishes or discolorations disappear.

Try it - and you will believe it. Mother Nature gave us many tools to fight the effects of daily life on our body – we just need to discover them and use responsibly.

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